
Attract new talent
Van In
Our challenge? Teaching teachers - the most difficult of students - with a schoolweek worth of content and that without teacher-student interactivity. Uitgeverij Van In is a publisher specialized in creating educational tools for the primary and secondary education system. They wanted to develop a virtual info session that consisted out of 60+ videos.

To create such a huge quantity of video without the loss of quality, we chose for consistency in the set, the concept and the execution. To avoid turning the videos into reading exercises for our cast, we went with an interview format. A preliminary interview and coaching sessions helped us to extract the right info during the shooting days.

(02) — Subtitle
Having our editor on set allowed us to select the right shots then and there, saving us hours in post production. By dividing the info session into several bite-sized videos, we were able to keep the attention of our audience.
(01) — credits
Art Director method and information sessions: Dries Coomans
Art Director iDiddit testimonial: Karel Verpoest
Copywriter iDiddit testimonial: Kobe Viaene
Head of Production: Tatijana Ćulumarević
Creative Director: Tone De Cooman
Producer: Pauline Ryckebusch
Production Assistant: Ibram Uytterschaut
Account Manager: Tom Staels
Decor: Willy Hebbrecht
Camera: Jurgen Geevels
1AC: Charly Van De Drick
Gaffer: Patrick Haegeman
MUA: Madona Iremashvili
Editor: Glenn Merckx, Arthur Claesen
Motion Design: Frederik Mertens, Michael Backaert, Renaat Stuijk
Sound: Maarten Leemans, Jeroen Dejonghe, Ive Vankrunkelsven, Iavor Angelov, Leander Leenders, Ruben Pauwels