Strategic workshop
We want to help you create smart(er) video content.

(01) — workshop objectives
Today you
- use video but not to its full potential, you’re not getting the results you want
- need an analysis of what you’re doing right and wrong for your target audience
- could use an extra pair of eyes on your content and marketing plans to expand your potential
- are not doing anything with the data you’re getting from video content or setting the right KPIs
- are not using video as a strategic tool to help achieve your goals
You will be able to
- set the foundation of a relevant video content plan, with concrete KPIs to track
- use your channels to your advantage and leverage all features to get better results
- add relevant video content that reaches its goals to your marketing plan
- know how your competition is presenting themselves and how you can differentiat
- find a video first solution to one of your most prominent business problems
(02) — what to expect
Before we can get started we need some input from your side. What you would like to achieve with this workshop?
Let's ask some questions
- What is your need/goal/KPI's? This can be more then 1 objective
- What sector are you in and/or will your videos be in?
- What kind of video do you need input on? Specific kind of video? E.g.: Instructional, Newsletter, Social, … Or the whole marketing plan?
- Does this fit into a larger content or marketing plan?
- Who is the target audience of the content you want to discuss?
- On what channels are you active today?

(02) — what to expect
Get all the strategic video insights related to your field and discuss them with your team during our interactive exercises.
- Competitor analysis, content analysis and target audience analysis
- Creation of a content plan based on your main topic of the day
- Setting up relevant video & campaign KPI's Best practices on (specific) communication
- Best practices on (specific) communication Channels
- Video formats to nurture and accommodate your goals
- Examples and cases relevant to your topic or existing marketing plan
(02) — what to expect
- PDF export of the workshop with all the exercises and answers of you and your team.
- A post-workshop recap document that summarises the main focus and conclusions of the day so you can define next steps.


(03) — practical
Half day
3 StoryMe'ers
Our Ghent office or yours
Breakfast & lunch
Max. 6 participants
Our team

Art Director Film