

Video is great, but understanding video is even better.

(01)  —  workshop objectives

Today you

  • know that video is the best performing type of media
  • have heard a lot about video but don’t quite know how it fits your marketing approach
  • want to know how video can be valuable for your brand, product or service
  • feel you’re stuck in your way of thinking and need fresh eyes to look at your video content
  • need some good insights on video trends

You will be able to

  • understand the value and potential of video
  • use the many cases and video examples of the day to kickstart video ideas
  • add relevant video content that reaches its goals to your marketing plan
  • spot opportunities to better your communication and stand out
  • know how your competition is presenting themselves and how you can differentiate
(02)  —   what to expect


Before we can get started we need some input from your side. What you would like to achieve with this workshop?

Let's ask some questions

  • What type of sector are you in or do you need video for?
  • What kind of video do you need input on? For both topics and formats. E.g.: Employer branding = topic & E.g.: Recruitment video = format
  • Does this request fit into a larger content or marketing plan?
  • Who is or are your target audience(s)?
  • Are there any specific video formats, channels or examples you want to discuss or get insights on?
(02)  —   what to expect


Get inspired and discuss these insights with your team during the workshop.


  • Interesting examples and cases relevant to the topics and video formats you want to discuss
  • Insights on how to implement these topics and formats in your marketing communication
  • Video trends and insights
(02)  —   what to expect



PDF export of the workshop with all the exercises and answers of you and your team.

(03)  —  practical






Half day

2 StoryMe'ers

Our Ghent office or yours

Breakfast & lunch



Max. 8 participants

Our team


Art Director Animation


Art Director Film


Senior Producer